The Voyager Cleaning Office in Trinity Street, Dorchester
“Where we Facilitate & Co-ordinate the Smooth Day to Day Running of our Contracts and Team”
The Office
The Voyager Office operates core hours of 10am- 2pm Monday to Friday, although our team are often here before and after this time.
The office has become a Vital Part of our Service. From here we liaise with all our clients and staff daily to ensure no disruption, and a continuity of service.
Our comfortable Meeting Space allows us to catch up with clients, discuss the service, and find ways to make it even better.
In addition, we regularly meet here for Team Meetings to discuss operations and upcoming requirements. We also use this space as a training facility for staff, utilising the screen for presentations, updates on policies, or to review audit reports.
Prospective employees also visit us at the office where we are able to meet them for interview to find suitable new team members. A vast amount of paperwork also gets completed during this process, including DBS checks!
The office staff carry out a vast amount of Administration on a daily basis. Just some of these duties include; Handling Daily Queries, creating Weekly Rotas, managing Staff Holidays, ordering Stock, processing DBS checks, producing Electronic Reports that come back from the Area Managers, Monitoring Time Attendance Records, Recruitment and Interviews, Maintaining and Updating Site Safety & COSHH folders, Facilitating Systems and Operations, Payroll, Invoicing, Bookkeeping and making lots of cups of tea!
On top of all this, we have Laundry Facilities , where we turnover a vast amount of laundry of all our mops and cloths each day. Unlike many companies, that leave their mops and cloths on site to “rot” until they are no longer usable, we ensure that all sites have their mops and cloths washed and refreshed on a weekly basis, always at a minimum of 60 degrees.
We are located at Number 40 Trinity Street in Dorchester. This is a black shop front with large chrome numbers “40” on top. The front retail part of the building is occupied by Bells Hair Salon, but go through the front door, then immediately through the next door directly ahead, down the corridor, to our office at the rear.
The best way to find us is to go past the Plaza Cinema, towards Argos. We are a couple doors up from Trinity Club. The best place to park is the Co-op Car Park.